Pantry / Page 12

Showing 133–134 of 134 results

Apple Freeze-Dried

Direct from Tasmania, these Freeze Dried Snap apples are intense in flavour while bringing a unique texture and flavour to our products. The “snap” is created by removing 100% of the moisture whilst leaving behind all of the fruit through a vacuum chamber – interesting hey ! A perfect, healthy snak straight from the pack. Keep in mind if they are not kept in a sealed airtight container – they will start to draw moisture and soften as they become reconstituted with moisture – still delicious!

Almonds Whole & Raw


So you love Almonds? – who doesn’t, natural or slightly roasted we use then across a wide variety of our blends in muesli, nut mix’s and Almond meal in slices. We only use Australian straight from source, Carmel and if we can’t get them Nonpareil variety – packed full of health energy for you day. So if you like a handful to snack occasionally or regularly, add this pack to your shopping cart! If you want to know about the Almond check this site out.