Shop / Whisk & Pin / Page 7

Showing 145–146 of 146 results

Chocolate Chip Bite-Size Cookies 150g


Gorgeous bite-size cookies packed with scrumptious chunks of decadent Belgian chocolate.

Perfect as a gift or to share with friends – or keep one in the pantry for unexpected guests!

Berry Crunch Muesli


Our superbly delicious BERRY CRUNCH MUESLI is packed with 16 amazing ingredients. Every mouthful is a sensational combination of freeze-dried Australian berries, spiced pecans, nutritious seeds, and crunchy golden multi-grains baked in Blue Mountains honey and organic Canadian maple syrup

This best seller is full of antioxidants and is high in fibre. Eat it for breakfast, as a delicious snack with yoghurt, sprinkle over stewed fruit or grab a handful when you’re peckish.