PantryCooking Sauces & Pastes

Peanut Sate Sauce 250g


A sauce found across much of South East Asia. It will vary in each country and is always delicious on BBQ’d food.

Chermoula Paste 250g


One of the most popular of all Middle Eastern pastes… Try this on chicken, fish and vegetables. Simply rub on and roast or grill.

Italian Puttanesca Sauce 500ml


An Italian sauce originally designed for ‘working’ people for a quick meal. The ingredients are strongly flavoured. The sauce is delicious with pasta or even used with risotto rice.

Butter Chicken Cooking Sauce 500ml


A stunning sauce that makes a great Butter Chicken to satisfy the most fussy eater.

Mussaman Curry Paste 250g


Mussaman is a curry that owes its origins to the Muslim people of both Thailand and Malaysia. It is a spicy curry that works very well with beef, lamb or goat. Mussaman curry is made with both meat and vegetables, usually potato.

Butter Chicken Curry Paste 250g


Easy to use butter chicken paste, perfect for a butter chicken dinner!

Thai Green Curry Paste 250g


Traditional and much loved Thai green curry. The recipe for a great Green Curry meal is on the label, it is simple and very easy to follow.

Pasta Sauce 500ml


An Italian inspired sauce that can be used for a quick pasta or cooked with minced meats for a great ragu. This is a simple and complete pasta sauce, it can even be thinned to your liking.

Laksa Paste 250g


All you need to make the base for a Laksa. This paste is from the Penang region of Malaysia. There are many different Laksa’s in the region, this is a general blend. It is simple to make, just follow instructions on the label.

Thai Yellow Curry Paste 250g


A classic Thai curry paste for lighter meats. Perfect to make a duck curry, an easy to follow recipe is on the label.

Thai Red Curry Paste 250g


The classic Thai red curry paste, perfect with a beef dish. There is a beautiful red curry past recipe on the label for an easy dinner!

Tamarind Paste 125g


Wind up the flavour of any wet dish or Asian Stir Fry with deliciously sweet/sour Tamarind.

Malaysian Chicken Curry Paste 250g


Chicken Curry is found all over Malaysia and surrounding countries.This is typical of the paste used to prepare the dish. Simply follow the labels instructions for a great dish.

Tamarind Paste 250g


Use to bring the enrich Thai and other Asian dishes. This paste is made from the fruits of the Tamarind tree that grows so abundantly in Asia.

Basic Tomato Sauce 500ml


This sauce is not strictly a Pasta Sauce, but can be used as the basis for many dishes. Can be perfect with veal or chicken, or could be used for tomato sauce in baking an eggplant or in any layered vegetable dishes.