In-The-Raw / Page 2

Showing 13–24 of 37 results

Macadamia Pink Salted & Roasted


How can anyone resist these Ozzie nuts? – super delicious at any time!

We lightly roast for a delicate contrast in our Desert Road Chocolate blocks – White Belgian Chocolate in fused with fresh made caramel, throw in the salted macadamia’s and you have total deliciousness!

Honeycomb Sprinkles


Crafted with real Blue Mountains honey – a spectacular and wicked ice-cream topper. We love to drench our honeycomb in Belgian Chocolate.

  • Sprinkle over icecream
  • Use to top cakes or muffins with colour and texture
  • Add to homemade cookies

Barberries Dried


Hand harvested from the ground sprawling desert shrub also known as Berberis – this Middle-Eastern superfood packs a punch, so don’t let their small size fool you. Zesty, sweet and aromatic, they liven up couscous and rice dishes, and are great in salads, muesli and smoothies. We use our barberries in our Gluten Free and Bircher Muesli.

Orange Whole Dried Powder


Ground from only 100% Queensland-grown oranges, our Orange Powder is perfect to substitute fresh orange rind, great in baking muffins and cakes, or to use for seafood crumbing.

Organic Millet Puffs

With a little heat and pressure these ancient grains are puffed to perfection! As the smallest of all puffed grains they make great flavour and texture to our Gluten Free Muesli. Add as a salad garnish or in your own mix up muesli!

Pistachios Raw Kernel


Our premium raw pistachio kernels are perfect to add colour, flavour and texture to your breakfast, lunch or dinner. Toss through salads, add to baked cakes, crumbles or cookies, add to your favourite cereal or simply snack on them alone!

Organic Buckwheat Puffs


With a little heat and pressure these grains are puffed to a light texture suitable for those intolerant to Gluten. What a perfect, Australian grain addition to our muesli with a nutty flavour !

Straight down from Queensland – all part of our Gluten Free muesli – could be good for your own mix up of puffs, grains and a little fruit!

Australian Barley


Rolled barley is an incredibly versatile and nutritious wholegrain. Rich and nutty in flavour, you can try our barley in porridge, homemade breads, or other baked goods.

Australian Porridge Oats


The best oats are bold and in full form, whole. Grown in South Australia, we only use the best of the crop for all our Whisk & Pin muesli that have full structure, texture, goodness and taste. No quick oats or added sugar here.

Use for making porridge, creating your own muesli base and cooking – full form, healthy and tastes great!

Hazelnuts Whole & Roasted


Hazelnuts are perfect in working with chocolate and also used to make praline, though we do use them in muesli also. Roasted or blanched natural these little guys are packed full of energy and plenty of health benefits. Though Nutella does snap up most of the worlds crops of Hazelnuts there are still plenty to go round most of the time!