Food Hampers / Alcohol & Food Hampers / Champagne Hampers

Showing all 8 results

Happy Birthday Hamper


A perfect gift for a special person. We Have Created the perfect present including all your favorite Whisk & Pin products and a gorgeous bottle of champagne. Your loved one will be loving you this birthday.

Self Indulgent Hamper


Treat Yourself with this small but gorgeous hamper. No better way to spend a day then to enjoy the peace of your own company with some extraordinary nibbles.

This lovely hamper contains:

  • 1 x Champagne
  • 1 x Desert Road 320g
  • 1 x Rosemary & Pink Salted Cashews 125g
  • Presented in a Whisk & Pin Jute Bag with ribbon

The Weekend Hamper


Create a memorable weekend with our unforgettable taste sensations hidden within this hamper. Relax and enjoy the sun as you make your way through the weekend hamper.

French Flavours Hamper


Fabulous French flavours fill this hamper to the brim, with everyone’s favourite French Champagne, small batch crafted Red Wine Braise Sauce, freshly roasted rosemary salted Cashews, mint drinking chocolate, and chocolate dipped dried oranges.

The Afternoon Hamper


Looking forward to a relaxed afternoon, with a glass of champagne and nibbles? This hamper has got you all covered, containing chocolate and nuts with your favourite champagne.

Relaxation Zone


Jump into the relaxation zone with this hamper. Enjoy the light bubbles and tasty nibbles creating a relaxed environment which everyone can enjoy.